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120-150元 沈阳铁西区 应届毕业生 学历不限
米其林沈阳轮胎有限公司 2024-09-28 01:28:08
120-150元 沈阳铁西区 应届毕业生 学历不限
米其林沈阳轮胎有限公司 2024-09-28 01:28:08
Supports the RGEP to ensure the implementation of regulations and Group orientations in the Environmental domain. The domain of Environment is managed and developed on the site: The external and internal requirements of the domain are identified (regulatory watch and prescriptions). Base on gap analyzes, action plans are proposed. The guarantee of the site's compliance with regulations and internal requirements is controlled. The site has relevant and exhaustive domain risk analyzes and action plans are defined. In the context of design projects, technical transformations of equipment or building changes, the position of the site Environment specialist is defined and transmitted to the project team with the ‘’Planification / Avis EP”. The field's current operating anomalies are analyzed and taken into account; in particular with CO2, VOC, waste, water, pollution topics. The necessary alerts are transmitted. Good practices are shared across the site and across the country. The site Environment specialist participates in or leads the business meetings of this network. The annual review of the domain is presented by the site Environment specialist during the SMEP Management Review of the site. The Environment specialist is a leader in the domain in site events: steering committees, environmental agreement, training. External (environmental government structure) and internal partners are identified, and the Environment specialist is the site's referent in these networks. Technical support in the domain will be provided in the event of an audit (SMEP or other audit / inspection) and in the event of a crisis impacting the domain. Where applicable, specific projects in the domain will be carried out in the form of transversal management (Tshape, multi factories study for example). Where possible, participation in audits of other sites or even the conduct of audits will be entrusted to the site Environment specialist. Where possible, the coordination of the domain at the country level will be carried out by the site Environment specialist, under the guidance of the time zone. 招聘人数:1人
地址:沈阳铁西区沈阳沈阳市经济技术开发区 细河四北街12号 米其林沈阳轮胎有限公司
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