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海运客服单证 CS Documentation Coordinator
5000-8000元 苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 大专
海运客服单证 CS Documentation Coordinator
5000-8000元 苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 大专
主要职责: 1,接受和检验客户托单,生成海运提单及发票; 2,保证及时完成提单样本; 3,发送提单样本给客户确认; 4,船开后,与操作部门确认货柜出运状态,签发提单,发送预报到国外; 5,完成运费并保证其准确性,发送费用账单给客户核对; 6,签发船证明; 7,与客户沟通,解决客户的相关问题 应聘要求: 1,大专及以上学历,专业不限。欢迎应届生前来应聘; 2,1年客户服务或物流、运输行业相关工作经验优先; 3,具有基本的英语读写能力, 4, 熟练运用办公软件; 5,良好的沟通能力,独立工作能力以及团队合作能力; 6,积极乐观的工作态度,同时具备良好的客户服务意识。 Key Responsibilities: 1.Receive and verify shipping instructions, create and complete Bills of lading and Invoices timely and accurately. 2.Complete draft copy of bills of landing timely. 3.Transmit draft copy of documents (Bills of lading and Invoices) to customers for checking and approval. 4.Confirm with Operations Department about the status of container / shipment and send forecast abroad after vessel’s departure. 5.Issue Vessel Certificates to customers. 6.Communicate with customers to solve their problems. Qualification: 1. Diploma or bachelor degree in any discipline. Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply. 2. Candidates with 1 year of relevant working experience in Customer Service and/or Logistics/Transportation industry preferred. 3. Able to read and write in English. 4. Proficient in Microsoft office. 5. Able to communicate well, work independently as well as in team. 6. Positive and pleasant attitude with customer service mindset. Note: Salary will commensurate with your qualification, experience and skills. 薪资会根据您的资历、经验和技能来决定。 The personal information provided by you in applying this career opportunity may be transferred to other Hapag-Lloyd entities and/or to third party vendors outside of China for evaluation and processing purpose. Hapag-Lloyd will ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information in according to the applicable data privacy laws, including the Chinese Cybersecurity Law. By submitting your application, you grant your consent to Hapag-Lloyd for transferring the personal information provided by you outside of China to other Hapag-Lloyd entities and/or to third party vendors. 在您申请该职位空缺过程中所提供的个人信息可能会被传输至中国境外的其他赫伯罗特实体和/或第三方服务商以进行进一步的评估和处理。赫伯罗特会依据相关法律要求,包括中国网络安全法,来确保您所提供之个人信息的保密和隐私。通过提交您的申请,您授权赫伯罗特将您所提供的个人信息至中国境外的赫伯罗特实体和/或第三方服务商。
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