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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-12-06 12:07:51 |  访问:373844



About South China Normal University

South China Normal University (SCNU) was founded in 1933, it was shortlisted as a member of National “Double-First Class” Universities and “Project 211”, the co-construction of SCNU by the Guangdong Provincial Government and Ministry of Education as well as the Guangdong High-Level University Sponsoring Project. SCNU now boasts four campuses in three cities, namely the Shipai-Guangzhou Campus, University Town-Guangzhou Campus, Nanhai-Foshan Campus and Binhai-Shanwei campus.



1. About International United College (IUC)

The International United College (IUC) was formally established in November 2018, focusing on the national innovation-driven development strategy and industrial restructuring and transformation and upgrading, with a focus on the win-win cooperation with international famous universities including University of Aberdeen, UK, Curtin University, Australia, St. Louis University, USA, San Francisco State University, USA, William Jessup University, USA, Université Côte d’Azur, France, and the University of Tours, France. The cooperation focuses on the development of new engineering in the field of new information technology, new engineering and economics in the field of information technology, interdisciplinary subjects in management field, foreign languages and other disciplines. International United College is working with foreign universities to accelerate the promotion of Sino foreign cooperation in running schools and carry out in-depth joint training of talents at the undergraduate and graduate levels. It will also establish an Innovation and Development Research Institute according to regional development needs.

二、 软件学院






2. About the School of Software

The School of Software is one of the first provincial model software colleges approved by the Ministry of Education of Guangdong Province in 2004. The School of Software has talent cultivation systems in undergraduate, postgraduate and postdoctoral researcher.

The software engineering specialty offered by the School of Software is one of the first batch of "national first-class undergraduate majors" and key majors in Guangdong Province.

The School of Software has the research and development base of the Ministry of Education's Industry-University Collaborative Education Project, the Guangdong "Internet + Education" cloud Service Engineering Technology Research Center, the Guangdong Software Engineering Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, the Guangdong Industry-University-research Collaborative Training Excellent Software Engineer Base, the Guangdong Intelligent Software Demonstration Industry College, and the Guangdong "Software Engineering Core Curriculum Group" teaching team Research platform. The Software School is a talent training unit for the integration of industry and education of the Ministry of Education and Huawei's "Intelligent base". Three courses, including “Software Construction”, “Data Structure and Algorithm”, and “Team Motivation and Communication”, have been approved as the first batch of "National First-class Undergraduate Courses" by the Ministry of Education. Eight courses, including "C Language Programming", “Software Construction”, “Data Structure and Algorithm”, “Team Motivation and Communication”,"Software Engineering Methods for Human-Computer Interaction", "Artificial Intelligence Robot Philosophy And Ethics", "Introduction to Computer Science and Technology" and "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence", have been approved as the "First-class Undergraduate Courses" in Guangdong Province.

In the "2021 ranking of China's best disciplines in soft science", software engineering of South China Normal University ranks 17th among colleges and universities in China, 2nd among colleges and universities in Guangdong Province and 2nd among normal universities in China.

After over ten years of meticulous construction and the unremitting efforts of teaching faculty, the School of Software has great academic atmosphere and achieved remarkable achievement. Now, the School of Software has come into the fast lane of development.


In order to speed up the internationalization schooling of the International United College and School of Software, two colleges are now jointly recruiting teaching and research talents from home and abroad.

Position Information


Outstanding Young Talent


1.Requirements:In principle, the candidates' age should not exceed 38 years old. The candidates should have original scientific research achievements and have been well-recognized by peer experts, as well as reaching or having the ability of China’s talents. The candidates should be able to teach fully in English or bilingually.





2. Rewards :The candidates can be recruited as professor, associate professor or position of equivalent level. The candidates will be rewarded with decent annual pre-tax salary and housing allowance, will be provided research start-up fund according to research fields and actual needs.

International United College will provide a subsidy of 50,000 yuan per year; Research start-up fund will be set case-by-case, with 1:1 ratio accordingly.

The School of Software will provide a research start-up fund of up to 500,000 yuan for candidates in the first employment period.

The candidate’s children can apply for studying in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.


First-category Young Talent

1. 引进条件:原则上年龄不超过35周岁,获得博士学历学位。具有良好的学术背景和突出的发展潜力,已取得高质量创新性科研成果。能全英或双语教学者优先。

1. The age of the candidates, preferably under 35,are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree。Obtain a doctoral degree or engage in post-doctoral research work, with a good academic background and outstanding development potential, and have achieved high-quality innovative scientific research results. The Candidates should be able to teach fully in English.

2. 引进待遇:







2. Rewards:

(1) Rewards from SCNU: Young Talents will be employed for a term of 3 years as Special Research Fellow. The candidate will be rewarded with a yearly salary of 320,000 Yuan (includes basic wage and annual rewards), and a yearly housing allowance of 24,000 Yuan. The package of salary and benefits will be 344,000 Yuan per year.

Performance Bonus: During the term of employment, young talents who have obtained the scientific research performance stipulated by the school with SCNU as the first signed unit can enjoy the performance bonus during the current employment period. In principle, other performance bonus at the university level will not be enjoyed.

(2) The Academy treatment. An additional subsidy of 40,000 yuan/year for the first employment period of International United College; The initial research funding is 100,000 yuan.

The candidate who have work experiences or meet the acceptance requirement for Associate Professors in SCNU,For first employment term, the School of Software will provide a research start-up fund of up to 150,000 yuan.

The candidate who is fresh graduate,For first employment term, the School of Software will provide a research start-up fund of up to 140,000 yuan.

(3) Other Benefits: The candidate’s children can apply for studying in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations. When housing resources are sufficient, the candidates can also apply for renting interim apartments, but can no longer enjoy rental allowance.


Second-category Young Talents


1.Requirements:The candidates, preferably under 32, are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree. The candidates are expected to have achieved good research results in the field with outstanding academic potentiality and vitality. Second-category Young Talent will be also included in the postdoctoral management of SCNU. The candidates should be able to teach fully in English or bilingually.





2. Introduction benefits: Category 2 young talents will be recruited as special associate researchers with a three-year employment period, with a total basic salary and annual reward performance of 270,000 yuan/year, and an additional rental subsidy of 24,000 yuan/year, totaling 294,000 yuan/year.

International Union College will receive an additional subsidy of 30,000 yuan/year during the first employment period and 60,000 yuan for research start-up.

The School of Software will provide a research start-up fund of up to 130,000 yuan for candidates in the first employment period.

The candidate’s children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations. When housing resources are sufficient, the candidates can apply for renting postdoctoral apartments, but no longer get the rental allowance.




1. Requirements:The candidates, preferably under 35, are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree. The candidates are expected to have good academic potentiality and vitality in the field. The candidates should be able to teach fully in English or bilingually.



聘特聘副研究员,聘期两年,基本工资和年度奖励绩效合计 22 万元/年。聘期 (两年) 内取得重要科研进展的优秀博士后,可申请延期一年,待遇保持不变。



软件学院首聘期另补贴工资5万元/年,租房补贴2.4 万元/年,科研启动费 8.5万元


(1) Rewards from SCNU

Post-Doctors will be employed for a term of 2 years as Special Associate Research Fellow. The total payment is 250,000 yuan per year.

(2) An additional subsidy of 40,000 yuan/year for the first employment period of International United College; The initial funding for scientific research is 40,000 yuan.

During the first appointment, the School of Software will provide an additional subsidized salary of 50,000 yuan/year, rental subsidy of 24,000 yuan/year, and research start-up fee of 85,000 yuan.


Pre-emploment System


1. Requirements:Candidates should giant doctorate degree, and have greater ability of teaching, meet the university’s basic criteria as well as the college’s specific requirements. Permanent employment can be offered once the candidate obtains a senior professional title during the first four-year employment contract with the university.

2.引进待遇: 工资待遇参照学校事业编制人员的有关规定执行;依法参加养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育等社会保险和缴存住房公积金,享受相应待遇。




2. Introduction treatment: The salary treatment shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the school establishment personnel; In accordance with the law to participate in old-age, medical, industrial injury, unemployment, maternity and other social insurance and contributed to the housing provident fund, enjoy the corresponding treatment.

An additional subsidy of 30,000 yuan/year for the first employment period of International United College; The initial funding for scientific research is 50,000 yuan.

The School of Software will provide a research start-up fund of up to 45,000 yuan for candidates in the first employment period.

During employment, the candidate can apply for renting a temporary apartment according to the university’s relevant regulations. The candidate’s children can apply for studying in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.



High end representative achievement award

The high end performance achievements made by young talents during the employment period are included in the reward scope of high-end representative performance achievements of our university.


The talents we need are supposed to graduate from the following disciplines or majors:


Successful applicants will work in the School of Software.



Working Address

School of Software, South China Normal University (Nanhai-Foshan Campus, South China Normal University, Wanjin Lu, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong)



The candidates should provide CV (including research undertaken in the past five years, publications indicated SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI, journal impact and citations), and list of awards .



he candidates should send the compressed application documents including CV and relevant materials in electronic format to designated email address (41049152@qq.com or 517626839@qq.com), with a title of the email and appendix as "position types+ candidate name" ( for instance: Second-category Young Talents + Zhang San+liuxeushengjob.com).


For more information, please visit the School of Software website: http://ss.scnu.edu.cn/.

三、 时间安排



Schedule Arrangement

Application Time: long-term recruitment

Selection and Interview time will be released later.



SCNU HR Office website


五、 联系人及联系方式

软件学院黄老师 Tel:135 9053 4252,Email:41049152@qq.com

软件学院陈老师 Tel:0757-86687822 135 9068 6486,973456686@qq.com

软件学院曾老师 Tel:0757-86687266 137 6089 5528,517626839@qq.com

Contact us:

Mr Huang, Tel:0757-86687822,13590534252, 41049152@qq.com

Mr Chen, Tel: 0757-86687822, 13590686486, 973456686@qq.com

Dr. Zeng, Tel: 0757-86687266, 13760895528, 517626839@qq.com



推荐:更多华南师范大学软件学院面向海内外诚聘教学科研人员公告 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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